The regulatory experts from Access VetMed member companies convened in Brussels for the 73rd technical meeting. Despite the full room, the physical gathering allowed lively exchange of views and knowledge, and brainstorming. For many participants, it was awaited opportunity to meet peers after the last meeting in May, and welcome change to online meetings. It was decided that also in the future, the working groups dealing with the most burning issues would continue to meet face-to-face, whereas regular info sessions will mostly be offered online to allow more people to join.

Catching up during the coffee break

The many working groups – telematics, pharmacovigilance, labelling, variations, quality, immunologicals – and task forces gave an update on how the implementation of the new regulation is going and what challenges the companies have encountered. The participants were able to share experiences and examples from different EU countries and discuss how to tackle the obstacles together.

The co-chair of Access VetMed Xavier Molins from Bimeda

It was great to see this many people attend and actively contribute, share valuable information and ask questions. We look forward to seeing you soon again – whether online or back in Brussels!