We are committed to
animal well-being
in Europe
We are the voice of the European industry of generic and added-value veterinary medicines. Our mission is to increase ACCESS – availability, compliance, convenience, efficacy, safety, and savings – of veterinary medicines to veterinarians, and farm and companion animal owners. By interacting with authorities, decision-makers and other stakeholders in the EU, we aim at achieving sustainable animal health policies and legislation.
From the Board
Xavier Molins has been chairing Access VetMed sinceSeptember 2023. Find out through this interview, whatis his vision of the generic veterinary industry and whatare his

Duggan Veterinary joins Access VetMed
Access VetMed, the voice of the European industry of generic and added-value veterinary medicines, announced on 8 September 2023 that the company Duggan Veterinary joined

Xavier Molins elected as new Chair of Access VetMed
Access VetMed’s 21st General Assembly, held on 8th September 2023 in Utrecht, The Netherlands, elected Xavier Molins as its new Chair, for the next term
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1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0)2 401 8795
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